Monday, March 30, 2009


Never in my life have I seen and heard so much emphasis and talk about the end times. 
Never in my life have I sensed such an urgency in the Spirit -- theres such a drawing towards prayer right now- prayer without ceasing.

We are reaching a point where the dividing line between the saved and the unsaved will begin to become very clear. For so long, so many have claimed to be saved and have not lived a lifestyle that brings glory to the Father.

 The Lord is placing a demand on our commitment right now. 

We as the body of Christ are in a time where our faith, belief, and trust are being tested in so many ways.  The Lord is drawing hearts and revealing Himself to His people. 
We are reaching a point where we must decide- die to ourselves now or die an eternal death.
The middle ground is fading away. 

I sense an urgency in the Spirit like never before.
I long to see the face of my King like never before.

No longer will I sit still waiting on life to happen around me. 
No longer will I feel as though there is nothing to do.
No longer will I be shy about the beauty of the Father. 

I am so over what people think.
For so long I have said people don't bother me, yet I change what I talk about around so many people as to not be viewed as "overly spiritual."
I am so over that! 
I take delight in the fact that people will be able to see that I am in such an intimate, close relationship with the King of the Universe. There is absolutely no shame in that, what an honor!

I have a peace and a confidence that will sustain me and propel me into the promises the Lord has shared with me. 
However, I am realizing more and more that my life is not to be lived with the focus on getting to that promise, but focus on Glorifying the Father and being placed into that promise. 

I cannot get myself there. Learned that one.
I WILL live my life to bring Glory to my Father every day. 
Is the Lord coming back soon? Well no man knows the day or the hour, yet I refuse to ignore the drawing that is  becoming so evident throughout the body. 
I don't know when the Lord will return, and what its all going to look like, but I will take heed to this drawing. I will bring Glory and Honor to my Father daily and live life with a constant awareness of the urgency of the hour. 
Whether the Lord is coming tomorrow or ten thousand years from now, He has marked this season with an intimate urgency for a purpose.
I will not ignore this.